The Joyful Question

April 09, 2014

“Unlike success and failure, contribution has no other side. It is not arrived at by comparison. All at once I found that the fearful question, ‘Is it enough?’ and the even more fearful question, ‘Am I loved for who I am or for what I have accomplished?’ could both be replaced by the joyful question, ‘How will I be a contributor today?’
—Rosamund Stone Zander and Benjamin Zander, The Art of Possibility 

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  1. Thank you as always for the thoughts you share here. I've had this idea of "giving service" on my mind lately, but it's not well manifested in my life.
    Not comparing to others, not comparing to my past. but living in this present moment, that is with me today. The letting go of ego...I'm only learning to do it...

  2. PS We have a St. Francis Monastery in my state...I think the statue there is similar to the one in your photo.

  3. I think this quote really brings one full circle in realizing life is not about us or what we have but what we share with those around us. Very lovely thought for the day friend. May you have a good one.

  4. Rita--You're very welcome. It's all a process of learning how and where we can contribute. My St. Francis is at Bok Tower Gardens in Florida. I love the look on his face.

  5. Debbie--I like the gentleness of the thought of contributing without competition. Hope you have a great day as well!
