Hush Your Life

August 02, 2024

Photo by Kristina Flour on Unsplash

Recently I’ve come across a concept in the decluttering/home organization world known as “hushing” your house. Author Myquillyn Smith wrote about it in “House Hushing & Why You Need It”:

“To Hush your House, begin with just one room and 24 hours.

“You’re gonna find a place in another room to act as a temporary, 24[-]hour holding space…. Then you simply remove all the smalls, gee-gaw[s], tchotchkes and decor and stash it in your holding area. It’s like a cleanse for your surfaces. A home reset. And the best part is you experience no decision fatigue because you are not making decisions. You’re just temporarily moving stuff out. 

“Once you hush a room in your house, you can see it with fresh eyes. It’s so easy to become house-blind to all the visual stuff we see daily. With a hushed and quiet room, you get to experience a sense of peace in a matter of minutes.

“I always like to wait 24 hours before I bring anything back in so I can fully experience the room with less. It’s a great feeling and once you live in your hushed, quieted room for a day, you’ll start to feel how wonderful it is and you’ll want to protect that feeling.”

I’m intrigued by this idea for decluttering, but I’m also thinking about what it would be like to “hush” my life in general. In other words, could I remove everything from an area of my life for a set period of time, and then thoughtfully add back in what was truly necessary and desirable? In the rush of life, how much of what I do is truly necessary, and how much could I let go of to make room for more peace and happiness?

Since hushing is temporary, I could:

  • Stop reading or listening to the news
  • Stay off social media
  • Choose to buy nothing
  • Stop watching TV
  • Stay home instead of go out
  • Close my computer and stay off the internet
  • Skip running errands

Twenty-four hours might not be enough time for hushing my life—I might want to do it for 48 hours, or even longer. However, this isn’t an exercise in deprivation. It’s an experiment to see if removing some things results in a more peaceful, happier life. It’s a way to see if something is bringing me joy, or bringing me down. It’s a way to get a little distance and perspective on things I might normally do on auto pilot.

I think I’m going to try hushing some things in August. How about you? Is there anything in your life you’d like to hush?

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  1. Wow - like this idea...yes for sure there are many things that need a hush up in my life...unnecessary cleaning and dusting would be at the top of my list. Thanks for sharing this concept. Hope you are successful in hushing up things you want to let go. Hugs!

    1. So far I'm better at giving the advice than taking it, but that's not new. Good luck with hushing the cleaning!
