Whenever you're feeling a loss of light, you look through it and remember the times when the ‘light’ was there.”
The words to one of the Eagles' songs, Already Gone, keep running through my mind,
‘...so oftentimes it happens we live our life in chains/That we never even know we have the key.....’
How often do we hold ourselves down, back, under, less than, not good enough, not enough and so on, when really…we are more than enough and far more? We just don't understand we are the key.”
It seems to me that it is nearly always up to ME in how I choose to see an event. Sometimes stepping back to observe the big picture is all I need to adjust my thinking.”
Long ago I heard that regret in a way insults the person that I was long ago, before I knew better. Life is a journey, and perhaps when we are better at forgiving ourselves we become better at forgiving others.”
- Thank the nominator and link back to their site (Thanks, Kathy—see above).
- Display the award (see below).
- Nominate no more than 14 readers of your blog you appreciate and leave a comment on their blogs to let them know about the award.
- Finish this sentence: A great reader is…Someone who reads in a spirit of curiosity and openness, takes what she can from what she reads and lets the rest go.