Sometimes when we search for happiness, we forget to start with the basics. We don’t feel happy because our lifestyles are not conducive to happiness. That’s the premise of Happy Guide, by Michael Kinnaird. This short book outlines a plan for addressing the basics that affect our health, and ultimately our happiness.
Kinnaird believes that the causes of happiness are health
and peace of mind. It’s hard to be happy when you don’t feel strong and vital.
It’s hard to be happy when you feel out of control, disorganized and stressed
out. As Kinnaird writes, “Everything affects everything else.”
Happy Guide addresses a number of lifestyle elements,
including what we eat and drink, exercise, drugs, sleep, getting organized and
living in the moment. Kinnaird writes simply about what has worked for him, and
while there is nothing earth-shatteringly new, Happy Guide is a great
reminder that sometimes the simplest things can make the biggest difference.
Happy Guide is a quick and easy read—in fact, I read
it while sitting in a coffee shop waiting for my husband’s truck to be
repaired. You can read the first chapter of the book by visiting the Happy
Guide home page.
And, even better—the author of Happy Guide has
kindly offered to give away five downloadable eBooks to the first five
people who comment on this post. (Please include your email address so they
can send you your copy.)
What simple things have you found contribute to your