“Rest is not idleness, and to lie sometimes on
the grass on a summer day listening to the murmur of water, or watching the
clouds float across the sky, is hardly a waste of time.”
Life cannot be just about organizing, striving and deep thought—a girl has to have some fun, too. If you’ve got a few moments to spare and a computer handy, here are some fun quizzes you can take online. You can take quizzes on the sites below without entering any personal information—as with anything on the Internet, use caution when visiting unfamiliar websites and always be careful what personal information you disclose.
Beliefnet.com has quite a few quizzes of varying degrees of seriousness—I took this one to find out what kind of traveler I am.
Blogthings.com has contains many, many quick and quirky quizzes. I spent far too long poking around there. (My supervillain name is Toxic Viper. What’s yours?)
What are your favorite online time-wasters? And I’m dying to know: which Jane Austen heroine are you?