I love the internet. Where else can you find recipes, photos, quotations, trivia, inspiration, news, funny animal videos and directions to the furniture store that sells the desk you want to buy for your office (thank you, Google maps)? I keep a list of Web sites to visit periodically, and I’ve run across some really fun and wonderful stuff. So for today’s post, I’m going to share with you a few of my discoveries, and hope you enjoy them, too.
Gretchen Rubin’s blog, The Happiness Project, is always worth a read. This post is a recent favorite.
I can’t remember how I found this particular post, but it’s stuck with me. Austin’s site it worth poking around on (in?).
I don’t exactly understand how to play on Pinterest yet, but a quick scroll down the home page always elicits a number of “awwwws” and out-loud laughs.
If you love to travel, visit Journeywoman.com. Their newsletters are packed with practical travel tips for women. A visit here always inspires wanderlust in me.
Story Circle Network is an organization of women dedicated to the passion and craft of life-writing. The Web site contains instruction, inspiration and many lovely examples of women’s stories.
Where do you like to visit when you’re Web surfing?