
Happy Little Changes

March 26, 2012

I’ve written here before about my dislike of change. However, in smaller matters, I do seem to like change, even seek it out. I’m frequently reading about ways to better organize my life, get more done and bring in more happiness.  

Recently, I’ve made several little changes that have made a happy difference in my life, and I thought you might be interested in them:

I began to actively manage my email. I have several email accounts for various reasons.  After reading the suggestion to “zero out your inbox,” I did just that with the one that gets the most messages. I read and discarded or printed emails, made email folders for some of the regular newsletters I receive and so on. Now, instead of being bombarded with 25 messages every time I open this account, I usually only have a few to deal with. I can easily see anything new or urgent. If I can’t deal with it immediately, I put it in the applicable folder and voila! Empty inbox. (And what a nice feeling that is.) I plan to do this with my other accounts, too.

I reorganized my recipes. Even though I’m not wild about cooking, my family has this pesky habit of wanting dinner every night. Despite the fact that I tend to make the same things over and over again, I had a huge collection of untried recipes as well as a big three-ring binder full of recipes we’ve tried and liked. My binder was old and tattered, and our tastes have changed, and clearly it was time to do something with this mess. I could never seem to find that new recipe I wanted to try when dinnertime rolled around. After seeing a couple of versions of recipe organization systems, I took an afternoon and evening to go through all my loose recipes, keeping the ones we either already like or definitely want to try, and throwing away all the rest.  Family favorites either went into page protectors or photo sleeves (depending on their size) and the untried recipes got tucked into a pocket divider at the beginning of the appropriate section of the new binder I found. I typed a master list of our favorite recipes and slipped it into the front of the binder as well.

Even though I don’t like cooking any better with this new system, at least I can find the recipes I want when it comes time to make them. (One thing I didn’t do that I wanted to was put the date on the untried recipes, and after six months or a year if I haven’t tried them, out they go. I’ll incorporate this with any new recipes I add.)


I stopped writing “Morning Pages”…and started writing them again. Ever since I read Julia Cameron’s The Artist’s Way, I’ve been writing “Morning Pages” every day (well, M-Fri.) Some days, that was the only actual writing I did. Day in, day out, three pages in long hand would pour (or dribble, depending on the day) into my composition notebooks. Every day began to sound the same (what I did yesterday, what I will do today…). I bored myself. I wasn’t getting the bubbling up of ideas I got when I first started writing Morning Pages, and frankly I was a little sick of them. So I quit writing them. Surprisingly, the Creative Police did not come and arrest me, and after a week or two, I found I missed them. I was at a loose end in the morning, drifting without anchor. One day I picked up my composition book again, and words poured forth. Now I’m back to writing Morning Pages most mornings, if not all.

I began Yoga Journal’s 21-Day Yoga Challenge, beginner level. Each day, I get an email with a link to a yoga routine and meditation, a challenge tip and a recipe (and yes, the Yoga Challenge has its own email folder). I’ve dabbled in yoga off and on for years, and wanted to add more yoga to my exercise routine because it makes me feel good. The longest video so far has been 35 minutes, so I’ve been able to fit them into my days fairly easily. Every morning I check the daily video to see how long it is and what time of day it would be best to do it—some of the routines are relaxing and some are invigorating. I’ve been surprised at exactly how difficult some of the poses and routines can be, even though they are labeled for beginners.

Finding a way to fit in an extra 15 to 30 minutes of exercise doesn’t seem like it would be too hard—but sometimes it is. I’ve figured out, though, that because it’s a “challenge,” I’ve taken it on as such, and really make an effort to do it every day. When I focus on getting it done, I find a way. (I’ve missed two days in the past two weeks.) I’m wondering what else I could “challenge” myself to do—maybe 15-30 minutes of extra writing every day? I think that’s doable!

None of these changes is anything very flashy or earth-shattering, but taken together, they’ve made my day-to-day life a little more pleasant.

What happy little changes have you made lately?


I Saw the Signs

March 23, 2012

Saw this sign on the back of a van when I was driving to the library (click to enlarge photos):

What, exactly, is the cargo, I wonder?
And this sign on the road leading to the barn:

Now that is something I'd like to see walking down the side of the road.
And this one on the back of a stroller at the mall:

Apparently there are there people who need this instruction.
The world is full of funny signs. Just type “funny signs” into your search engine if you want a good laugh.

What signs have you seen lately?


Time to Wake Up

March 21, 2012

“The universe is not short on wake-up calls. We’re just quick to hit the snooze button.”
—Brene Brown, The Gifts of Imperfection


All You Ever Wanted to Know About Me--And More

March 19, 2012

I enjoyed this post by Crazy Aunt Purl (Laurie Perry) from several years ago, and since she did tag “everyone on the planet,” here goes:

TEN random things you might not know about me:
  1. I taught myself to eat with my left hand when I was a teenager and still find myself doing so sometimes.
  2. I never met a scone I didn’t like.
  3. I know how to give intramuscular injections to a horse.
  4. I no longer have a gall bladder. (Too much information?)
  5. I was very into acting in high school and was the president of the Thespian Club. (One of my specialties was imitating Lily Tomlin’s character, Edith Ann.)
  6. I learned to drive in my mom’s electric blue Camaro (much to the envy of my son, who learned to drive in a Honda Accord).
  7. I write poetry.
  8. I love flea markets and antique stores.
  9. I’m hopelessly un-athletic.
  10. But I try anyway. Sometimes. If I feel like it. 
NINE places I’ve visited:
  1. New Orleans
  2. France
  3. Greece
  4. Yellowstone National Park
  5. Israel
  6. England
  7. Italy
  8. Alaska
  9. Washington, D.C.
 EIGHT ways to win my heart:
  1. Be kind.
  2. Feed me chocolate.
  3. Make me laugh.
  4. Be Hugh Jackman.
  5. Cook for me.
  6. Even better, clean for me!
  7. Talk to me, listen to me—connect with me.
  8. Did I mention chocolate?
 SEVEN things I want to do before I die:
  1. Visit Prince Edward Island.
  2. Read all the books on my to-be-read list. (I’d better live forever.)
  3. Learn another language.
  4. Write a book.
  5. Live for a few months in several different cities.
  6. Love my body.
  7. Find out where the moths in my pantry are coming from!
 SIX things I’m afraid of:
  1. Lightning.
  2. Losing the people I love.
  3. Wasting my opportunities.
  4. Contracting a debilitating disease.
  5. Pennsylvania sports fans.
  6. That the Hokey-Pokey is what it’s all about.
 FIVE things I don’t like:
  1. Uncomfortable shoes
  2. Bloviators (it’s a very descriptive word!)
  3. Talk radio (see “Bloviators”)
  4. White chocolate (come on, people, it’s not even chocolate!)
  5. Humidity
 FOUR ways to turn me off:
  1. Be cruel to a person or to an animal.
  2. Try to convince me that your opinion is right and mine is wrong.
  3. Try to manipulate me or make me feel guilty.
  4. Fail to understand my absolute and uncontrollable need to browse in every used book store I see.
 THREE things I do every day:
  1. Read.
  2. Laugh.
  3. Brush my teeth.
 TWO things that make me happy (only two?!):
  1. Solitude.
  2. Cuddling with my dog.
 ONE thing on my mind right now:
  1. Tablets vs. Netbooks vs. “Ultrabooks”—and do I really need any more technology!
Tag—you’re it! How are we the same? How are we different? What’s on your mind right now?


I Blame It On Nancy

March 16, 2012

My favorite reading genre is the mystery. This is my mom’s favorite genre also, and while I could blame my literary predilection on her, I choose to blame Nancy Drew.

Nancy came into my life as soon as I could read well enough to tackle her books. I don’t remember who introduced me to my first Nancy Drew book; perhaps my mom, or maybe a sympathetic teacher or librarian. No matter, I devoured as many of the books in the series as I could get my hands on, spending many happy hours following clues with Nancy and her friends.

As a quiet and shy child, I deeply admired Nancy, and would have loved to be more like her. Nancy, the motherless daughter of an attorney named Carson Drew, was spunky, fearless, intelligent and compassionate—a fine, and somewhat unusual role model for girls at the time the books first came out (see below). She solved mysteries in her fictional hometown of River Heights with the help of her friends, cousins Bess and George (a girl).

The story of Nancy Drew is an interesting one. She first made her appearance in 1930 in The Secret of the Old Clock. The first 34 volumes were published between 1930 and 1956. Eventually, 175 volumes were published in the “classic” Nancy Drew series (there are several “spin-off” series that bear her name). Edward Stratemeyer, founder of the Stratemeyer Syndicate, created Nancy, wrote many of the plotlines and hired ghostwriters to complete the books. All the Nancy Drew mysteries have been published under the pseudonym Carolyn Keene, but were ghostwritten by a number of different people, including Mildred Wirt Benson, who wrote 23 of the original 30 mysteries. Stratemeyer’s daughter, Harriet Adams, edited and wrote many of the Nancy Drews until her death in 1982. She also revised the original 34 stories beginning in 1959, to eliminate racist stereotypes. In the process, she also shortened the books slightly and toned down Nancy’s independent personality.

Beautiful endpapers
According to Wikipedia, more than 80 million copies of the various Nancy Drew series’ books have been sold. The books have been translated into 45 languages and Nancy has been featured in five movies, two TV shows and numerous computer games.

One of my happiest childhood memories revolves around Nancy. When I was about 8 or 9, one morning when I came to the breakfast table, there was a pile of books sitting next to my place. While I ate my cereal, I cast wondering glances at the stack of perhaps 10 to 15 Nancy Drew books. Where did they come from? We didn’t have the money to buy many books, certainly not this many at one time. My mom was rushing around getting ready for work so it took me a few moments to get her attention to find out what this unlooked for treasure was all about. She found the books, she said, when she went to the apartment complex’s dumpster to throw out our trash. The books, though not brand new, were in good condition, though most were missing their dust jackets, exposing their tweedy blue covers.

A windfall of books like this seemed like a miracle to me. I still remember the amazed reverence I felt when those books appeared on the breakfast table. Through many years and many moves, I’ve managed to keep a small selection of these treasured books, and I have them displayed in my office. After researching Nancy for this blog post, I pulled down several of my remaining volumes. To my delight, most are the original, unrevised copies from the 1930s. Only one still has a dust cover. The rest retain their tweedy blue glory.

Through the years I moved on to other authors—Erle Stanley Gardner and his Perry Mason mysteries, everything Agatha Christie ever wrote, and eventually many, many more mystery authors like Patricia Wentworth, Rex Stout, and Marjory Allingham. (I do read more “modern” mysteries, but they aren’t quite as cozy and comforting as the vintage authors I keep returning to.) But my heart will always have a special soft spot for Nancy, the teenage girl who chased villains in her blue roadster.

What were your favorite books from childhood?

My proudly scrawled name
For more information on Nancy Drew, click here.