“Why do they always teach us that it’s easy and evil to do
what we want and that we need discipline to restrain ourselves? It’s the
hardest thing in the world to do what we want, and it takes the greatest kind
of courage.”
—Ayn Rand
Do you agree or disagree with this quote?
For the most part, I agree, though I know different
personality types may not have as much trouble embracing enjoyment as I do. I
mostly feel like I have to “get everything else done” before I can have fun.
While we were on vacation, our pattern was to get up fairly
early and explore all day, then find our lodging and have an early night. Every
night, we had several hours to do what we liked. I noticed that in the evenings
when we were tucked into our hotel rooms, I had a hard time settling down to
relax. I’d write in my trip journal, plan the next day’s activities, then read
or sketch. No kitchen to clean up, no laundry to fold, or writing project to
take one more look at. It took me several days to feel comfortable with the
added pleasure of a free evening after spending all day engaged in the happy
activities of exploring new places. Maybe because I went from one extreme to
another. The past few weeks at home have been long on work and short on happiness.
I don’t want to fall into that pattern again, so I’m
instituting a new practice. Each week, I’m going to schedule “One Happy
Thing”—something that I will do strictly for my own pleasure. This week it’s
“ride Tank” (he’s so much better he can be ridden at the walk!). Next week, it
might be “have a pumpkin spice latte,” or “watch a movie on Netflix you’ve been
meaning to see.” I’m writing it into a specific space in my planner, alongside
“pay bills, return library books, and work on writing projects.” Otherwise, it
might not get done, because it’s just too easy to put off pleasure when things get busy (and when aren’t things busy?).
While I enjoy at least 90 percent of my work, now I’ll have
something to look forward to intended strictly for pleasure, no matter how busy
my week. One happy thing. How hard can that be?
Do you find it hard to do what you enjoy? Do you put off pleasure until everything else is done?